Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I urgently needed a few days off but I knew that getting them would be next to impossible if I asked directly. Instead I jumped from the desk onto a ceiling fan and hung upside-down from it. My office-mate asked me what I was doing. I said, "I'm pretending to be a lightbulb, because I want a few days off."

Just then the boss walked in. "Get down from that ceiling!" he shouted. "I'm a lightbulb!" I shouted back. "A beautiful sexy lightbulb!"

He told me to go home for a few days since obviously I was stressed out and needed a doctor's care. I jumped off of the ceiling fan and started for the door. My office-mate was following me. "Where are you going?" he asked her. "I'm going home too," she told him. "I can't very well work in the dark!"

a joke making the internet rounds.
no ceiling fans were hurt in its' creation.

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