Sunday, October 15, 2006

FRIENDS OF SAPPHOQ: shameless promo of an e-group 10/15/06

On July 18, 2005, having nothing better to do, I founded an e-group called friendsofsapphoq over at yahoo. I had a long-standing dream of getting all of my friends together in one room at one time and they would all "get along." Reality always rears it's ugly head. And so that dream was consigned to the wasteland of unfulfilment.

The internet exploded into my life in a big way and I took another stab at my childish dream via electronica. For the most part, friendsof has worked and continues to work rather well. Some of us know each other or have met or became close via other e-groups. Some of us have just stumbled in via a blog or a friend's friend.

Topics and issues change. We have e-mailed the group about news stories, new ventures, new jobs, disability, illness, deaths, fears, triumphs, and the stuff of everyday living. We have also been treated to pictures from outer space, pictures of dogs and kids and grandkids, daily meditations for women, and views on politics. The number of postings have varied from 53 on up to 626.

There are currently 31 members. If you are willing to mingle electronically with a bunch of people who do not all share the same religious viewpoints, sexual orientations, disabilities or lack of disabilities, political affiliations, ideologies, philosophies.....then come on in.

~sapphoq n friends

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