Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Oh, the Twelve Days of Christmas

I recently received a currently circulating e-mail about the supposed origins of the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas."  Groan.  A quickly Googled search (with Google) revealed that this mythmail is currently making the rounds of various sites whose bloggers and websters have perpetrated it along to the masses, including a few sites bearing references to Roman Catholicism in their titles.

Come on people, how hard can it be to check with a site such as Snopes dot com before hitting your "Send" or "Publish" button?


On a different note, I had a nice winter solstice.  I spent it in the company of my dog and other loved ones.

sapphoq n friends

the usual stuff: yes this is my image that i created from a photograph that i've taken with my camera.  the original is safely stored on my harddrive and a few other places.  although i do not like to write these sorts of thing, because i understand that the dmca is not my friend among other reasons, i have also found that there are a bunch of people who do not play nice in respect to stuff that some of the rest of us create.  fair use i am for.  claiming that you created something that someone else did is uncool.  therefore: all rights reserved.

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