Thursday, February 07, 2013

Tweet Like Deepak Chopra or #TweetLikeDeepak

 I don't know who started the #TweetLikeDeepak hash tag that night.  I do know that it was loads of fun.  Here, for the sake of hysterical preservation, I present my own tweets for the #TweetLikeDeepak event:


Gobbly gook is still gobbly gook no matter what kind of fancy cover you put on the book. #JustSaying.

Neither slanderous nor sleezy; neither riotous nor racist; neither hate-filled nor hasty:  #TweetLikeDeepak   And Nazi?  No.  #Atheist.  Yeah.
In response to a tweet accusing atheists of being racist, hate-filled Nazis.  Deepak has made it abundantly clear that he has no use for us atheists, agnostics, skeptics.  Surprise, surprise.  We've no use for his pander either.

Screw  #TweetLikeDeepak.  TOTAL compensation:
Mens Warehouse 2011= $201,865. 
Stock ownership 2012=  $ 15,904. 

Dude is seriously money-rich.

#TweetLikeDeepak.   Scientists do or do not have a sense of wonder and stuff like that:

That's the best he can come up with? 


"Shut Up" and everyone went nuts in a #TweetLikeDeepak.  I disagree with what he is doing, but he can say "Shut Up."

I don't mind that he tweeted the word "Shut Up."  It briefly made him appear more human.

You can #TweetLikeDeepak all you want to.  But  no way I'm washing my eyes with toothpaste spittle & tongue scrapings.
A reference to something he does himself and recommends. 


#TweetLikeDeepak. Will the real Jeff please stand up?   #JustSaying.

Here ya go: Bunches of #TweetLikeDeepak.    Rather revealing.  Enough ammo for many religious persuasions peeps to get mad.

#LogicalFallacies must be committed or it just ain't a #TweetLikeDeepak.   Learning these fallacies improves arguments.

#TweetLikeDeepak. Seriously now, dude calls skeptics ill-tempered.  So that makes woo woo? What? Sweet-tempered?

#TweetLikeDeepak.  Holy Crapola Batman, these #Atheists/
#Skeptics are annoyed by Gawd.    Wow, man. You wrecking my woo.

Ohyeah, and one last #TweetLikeDeepak. My organismystical being requires rest cuz I've not yet mastered the quantum assholiness of my sole.
Translation:  Off to bed now.  #AwayFromTwitter

Although #TweetLikeDeepak did not trend on Twitter that night, it was loads of fun.  Lots of other people participated with witticisms, but not being mine I did not reproduce them here.

sapphoq n friends

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