These words pretend to describe me. These words are words that pretend to describe me. I celebrate myself and so I no longer fear the lies. Darkness and light are indistinguishable from each other. I embrace all of these words:
bi-dyke and queer, atheist or polytheist, raw [self-taught] artist, atypical neurology, strong, woman, disabled, autistic or retarded or something, nuts, psycho, white or off-white of european extraction, language-delayed, angry, t.b.i., survivor liar, unique, different, different drum, pagan, witch, non-wiccan, satanist, free-thinker, lost in thought, dreamer, loner, silence, fluffy bunny, toxic bunny, down with the sickness, disturbed, radical, pissed-off, freak, writer, manipulative, seductive.
I am a bi-dyke and a queer.
You say I must fuck anything that moves.
Not exactly your business, is it?
I create raw art.
I am not interested in what you think are the hidden "meanings" in my artwork.
Go psycho-babble to someone who cares.
I don't care about that shit.
I like art.
And sometimes a rock
really is only a rock.
I am a writer.
Writing is the reason why I get out of bed many mornings.
If you cannot share my joy,
then get the hell out.
I am an atheist with polytheistic hopes and a satanic philos.
You say that I am secretly seeking someone else's g-d and that I will goto your hell.
You are my hell.
I am a non-wiccan witch, pagan, hippie
so I sacrifice the children of christians.
I prefer them with barbeque sauce.
Please remember that when bringing me yours.
I am white or off-white.
I will never find a vodoun community that will accept me.
I am of European descent.
My ancestors screwed over the indigenous North American tribes
during the westward expansion.
My ancestors all came over here from Europe in the 1900s.
Your grasp of history is lacking.
I am disabled and not working. I must be white trash.
I must like being poor. It suits me.
Disability checks make for attractive living.
My traumatic brain injury is supposed to go away
or it is not supposed to give me any more problems
or I am not supposed to talk about it anymore.
I am tired, dammit.
Some professionals labeled me as autistic or retarded or something when I was younger;
whatever was "wrong" with me was because I had "emotional" problems
due to my parentals' problems with each other.
Autism spectrum disorders cannot possibly be
part of atypical neurology. Mine, whatever it was--
autism or Asperger's or--
went away or was totally ignored after I started elementary school.
You decided that "emotional" problems covered everything-- all on your own--
leaving me null and void to drown in your towering logic.
Furthermore, it was a-okay for you to announce this at your father's wake
to a bunch of strangers who I didn't know.
What gave you that right?
I didn't talk or walk when expected.
I have a different way of being than you do.
So what?
I survived childhood and adult rape
and had the strength to talk about it.
You called me delusional, manipulative, and seductive.
And quite the liar too.
I failed to take on your false mantle of acceptability.
I chose instead to tell. By my telling, a few others
may have been spared.
You were doing your job.
You are still bastards, all of you.
I defended someone who was emotionally vulnerable.
I have been judged to be a fluffy bunny and a toxic bunny
within certain communities of folks who really should know better.
If I had to do it all over again, I would.
And I will.
Dear stoopids,
I refuse to eat your pile of shit today.
Because I do my own thing, I must be a freak forever.
Because I am angry, I am not to be viewed in polite society.
Because I am not like you, I am dangerous.
I broke free of addiction.
You are still stuck in the sewer of your expectations and niceties.
Well, fuck that.
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