Sunday, May 19, 2013

Two Turkey Vultures and Not-a-Cat

While walking with the dog in the morning recently, I came upon two turkey vultures on a fence.  One at a time, they flew farther away to another fence.  They were so close, I was able to see their underwings.  Something about them informed the happy dog that she should not chase this particular couple.  She let them be [so I did not have to call her back to my side].  

The two turkey vultures, with their backs turned towards the sun, spread their wings out in a common early morning turkey vulture pose.  At night, they lower their core body temperature by several degrees in order to conserve energy.  In the morning, they raise it again.  Turkey vultures also urinate on their legs-- this is a practice that actually helps them not to be infected by standing in offal-- but since I've never witnessed that, you have been spared from further description of that particular practice.

This afternoon, I saw a "lump" under a parked car.  I went to investigate because I was curious about the "color of the kitty."  The "cat" turned out to be definitely not a feline.  What I saw was a longish light gray face, black eyes, and a big [but not pointed] black nose.  We made eye contact.  I left quickly.

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