Monday, August 15, 2005

What the President of the United State is Doing to Us and the World

I don't like what is happening because of George W. and his vendetta to turn the United States into a "Christian" nation.  I have seen what this one man is doing.  Unfortunately, he is being backed up by his followers.
I don't want my taxes going to support "faith-based" social service agencies or voluntary agencies or rehabs or schools or anything at all that has the words "faith-based" attached to it--especially since they would exclude ME from their 'blessing.'  Giving government money to these organizations is a violation of the separation of church and state.  And now these places are legally allowed to discriminate in hiring.  If a job applicant is not of the proper "faith," the "faith-based" place can deny the job on that basis alone.  Customers of these "faith-based" places often have to put up with or adopt the views of these places in order to get the services.  What is with this?
George W. has made a "war on terror."  Well, I live in terror of George W. and his foreign "policies" which mostly seem to involve killing bunches of people on all sides.  I don't know what the 'right answer' is.  I do believe that Bob Dylan said it best in one of his songs--"If God's on our side, he'll stop the next war."
George W. is hell-bent on denying recognition of the marriages of same-gendered couples in the United States.  This is grevious.  If an individual church or denomination refuses to perform marriage ceremonies for same-sexed couples, then so be it.  The states and the government should not be involved in dictating whether or not two people who love each other should be allowed to marry.  In denying legal recognition of the status of same-gendered couples,  a second-class citizentry is created.  People who love people of their own gender are denied a host of rights that heterosexuals take for granted.  And now George W. wants to amend the Constitution.
What is he so afraid of?
George W. has blocked access to birth control in other countries--thereby impacting on population problems and the spread of AIDS, denied funds for fetal research--thereby delaying the hope for a cure of serious diseases, and passed the Patriot Act--which is just an excuse for the government of the United States to behave badly.
I don't pretend to have all of the answers.  I do know one thing though--a country that cares about what their president does in bed and with whom, a country that delights in the assurance that their president is "god's man" and attends church on Sundays, a country that sits by and watches their basic rights erode; is a country that is heading for disaster.
So, USA citizens, let's all get our heads out of the sand and think this through.  We are not all christian or moslem or jewish or any other religion in this country.  Some of us are witches, pagans, hindus, buddhists, or follow one of a host of other things.  Some of us might even be people of no faith--non-theists.  We are not all heterosexual.  Some of us are homosexual or lesbian.  A few of us might even be bisexual in a same-gender relationship or an opposite-gender relationship.  We are all not the same.  Let's not act from our prejuidices and our discrimination against other human beings.  Let's turn this thing around and remember that the oppressed does not always have to become the oppressor, that the majority can never speak for the needs of the minorities, that the usa is NOT now a christian nation and indeed never really was.

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