Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Razor 10/16/05

*taken by sapphoq, Crow and Goldfish on Beaver Pond. Mont Royal Park, Montreal Canada. may be used as long as you provide a link back to this site. *

The Razor

A Found Poem from
The Apocryphon of James

Holy secret revealed by you.
Saints wish to discourse another.
Twelve appeared and five departed.
You called the rest drunken.
They consorted with life. Space,
empty, mock[s] want. Hence reason
follows evil. You persecuted love.
Life spares death and seeks spirits.
Prophesy hypocrisy and wither!

translated by Francis E. Williams, pp 30-33.
from the book:
The Nag Hammadi Library, ed. James M. Robinson,
Harper, San Francisco, 1978.

poem "found" by -sapphoq

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