Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Pope on a Boat

a big shout-out to Ida from sapphoqnfriends

On a tour of New Zealand, the Pope took a couple of days off to visit the ocean

for some sightseeing.

He was cruising along the beach at the Whakatane Heads in his car when

there was a frantic commotion just off the shore. A helpless man wearing

a green and gold Aussie rugby jersey and hat was struggling frantically to

free himself from the jaws of a 5-metre shark. As the Pope watched,

Horrified, a Waka (Canoe) came cruzin up with two men wearing black &

white jerseys.

Kora quickly chucked a harpoon into the shark`s side. Hohepa reached out

and pulled the mauled, bleeding and semi-conscious Aussie from the water.

Then, using long clubs, Kora and Hohepa beat the shark to death and

hauled it into the boat.

Immediately the Pope shouted and summoned them to the beach. "I give you

my blessing for your brave actions," he told them. "I heard that there was

some bitter hatred between New Zealand and Australia, but now I have seen

with my own eyes that is not true."

As the Pope drove off, Kora asked Hohepa "Who the bloody hell was that

bro?" "That was the Pope mate," Hohepa replied. "He's in direct contact

with God bro, and has access to all of God's wisdom."

"Well," Kora said "he may have access to God's wisdom but the prick don't

know Jack Sh*t about shark fishing......... Is the bait holding up okay

or do we need to get another Aussie?"

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