Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Autistic People Are

Autistic people are people.  Autistic people do not have "special needs."  Autistic people have the same needs that anyone else has.  

Autistic people are people.  Autistic people have a need to love and to be love, just like all people everywhere.
Autistic people are people.  Autistic people have a need to be understood, just like all people everywhere.

Autistic people are people.  Autistic people have a right to personal choice, same as everyone else does.

Autistic people are people.  Autistic people have a need to dream and a right to pursue those dreams, just like the neighbors.

Autistic people are people.  Autistic people have a right to take risks, a right to experience both success and failure.  

Autistic people are people.  Autistic people are not labels or statistics.  Autistic people are not problems.  Autistic people are people. 

Civil rights for all civils.  This is 2013.  Autistic people are people and have a right to be here because we are here.  Autistic people are people.  Don't forget it.  Your approval is not wanted, needed, or demanded.  Autistic people are people.  Real people know that.

sapphoq n friends 


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