Monday, March 18, 2013

The Verdict

So the verdict over in Steubenville is in.  The two high school rapists have been adjudged juveniles and face sitting in juvie hall until the age of twenty one.  They should have been tried as adults in my unhumble unlegal opinion.  But hey, some time is better than no time.  Having to register as sex offenders would be a "nice touch."  I'm waiting to see if that will be part of the sentences.

Random phrases that peeked out at me from the news coverage, very much paraphrased:

"I hope Jane Doe the courageous young woman who came forward will forgive the two boys someday."
It's too early to talk about forgiveness.  Those two boys certainly haven't asked to be forgiven.

"Please don't tell on us.  My great and wonderful and utterly important football career will be ruined."
Maybe you can play football in juvie.

"We should be getting kudos for taking care of you."
Because you got to sleep on a couch.

"She wanted it.  She was staggering around and drapped herself over me as a prop to help her stand up.  I figured sex was a yes."
What ?

"She lies, lies, lies.  We dumped her as a friend after she told us about her sexual encounter with those two boys."
She is better off without you two girls as 'friends'.

"She is a tramp."
And the boys who raped her while she was very intoxicated or passed out are-- what? -- I can't hear you.

"This trial divided the town."

"Social media confused the issue.  Those Anonymous people should have just stayed in their basements.  We would have been better off without them."
Yeah.  Without social media, you wouldn't have had to do anything like arrest anyone or investigate a case.  Without Anonymous, things would have been 'football as usual' in Steubenville.

sapphoq n friends salutes Jane Doe the courageous young woman, Sean, Anonymous and other activists who showed up to protest in Steubenville, and survivors of rape everywhere.

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