Happy dog and I went off into the woods today.
Every spring, there is a temporary pond here. It is a rather pretty, if buggy, spot.
These particular woods were logged, thus many of the trees are young. They were also parceled out into farm plots at one time. So there are stone walls running through the woods too.
Some four wheelers have been trying to block off some of the trails. Someone got annoyed enough to put up a notice. [I erased the name and phone number of the one person who actually did sign it].
These woods are not alpine. They are multi-use. Everyone is allowed in: four wheelers, paint-ballers, people with and without dogs, even the solitary man who feels compelled to leave bird food by a stump here in these woods.
The trails this time of year are soft and covered with fallen leaves.
p.s. Copyright trolls, go away. I took the pics. Enough already.