Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Sharing is NOT Stealing, Frogs, and Tags

I love frogs.  I have some captive-bred frogs in tanks.  Currently I have eight frogs.  In one tank, I've got an African Pyxie male.  The other tank houses two green tree frogs and five fire-bellies.  

Frogs require care just like any other specimen would.  The water has to be kept as carefully as water for a fish tank does.  Frogs are sensitive to bacteria because their skins are semi-permeable.  Each species comes with its' own temperature, light, and environmental needs.  My tree frogs and fire-belly toads prefer community living.  They have a semi-aquatic tank with rocky pullouts, a mini-waterfall, some vines for climbing and some other stuff.  They mostly eat crickets.  The tank itself is also tall so the tree frogs have adequate space for climbing and jumping around.  The African bullfrog has a tank of sterile moss with a water-dish and a resting rock.  He prefers to sit in his water-dish much of the time.  Occasionally, he will climb out and dig out a hole to hide in.  

If you [or your kids] want frogs or other sorts of amphibians or reptiles, please do your research first.  Although many of the herp books are lacking, there is good info out on the web.  A few places have a herp rescue or a herp club.  Don't take any animals from the wild.  Please buy captive-breds only and have your tank set up before you bring them home.  

Here are some tags I made with pictures of a few of my frogs:  As usual, if you want them, right-click to save to your computer.  No hot-linking.  Thanks.

By the way, if you happen to be one of those RIAA type midgets, I mean people, know that I took these photographs myself and added the captions myself.  They are mine to do as I wish with them.  The originals are stored on my computer.  I hate what you are doing.

Copyleft forever.  Sharing is not stealing.

sapphoq n friends     

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