Monday, June 17, 2013
Merrily We Troll Along
When I first learned about trolls on the Internet, I was a bit prejudiced. I allowed that to happen because of what I was reading. I've since come to understand that either the stuff printed about trolls on the Internet is bogus or that the trolls themselves wrote it and thus the joke is on the rest of us.
Copyright trolls are a special breed unto themselves. I have no love for them. They are lower than catfish shit and cockroach vomit. Anything positive that I post about trolls is never to be misconstrued as referring to copyright trolls. I detest Big Hollywood. The crap that is being done to the copyright laws is hideous. But that is a topic for other blog posts.
A troll is not someone who disagrees with me. We all have our own agendas and opinions. Someone who disagrees with me is merely someone who disagrees with me. I am just another electronic face in the long sea of electronic faces. I am no one special. I don't possess any particular eloquence or expertise. I'm not sure anymore that special little snowflakes actually do exist. I think we are all just here on this planet, period. Some of us are trying to kill each other off. Some of us aren't. Some of us don't give a damn. If I'm going to call you a troll just because your agendas and opinions are different than mine are, then I am also a troll. And then everyone is a troll. And we are all trolling right along. And the word "troll" becomes just another word synonymous with the word "human being." So screw that.
Trolls with mad skillz are to be admired, not feared. Trolls dare to be different. They don't care much about assimilation. Social mores are morass anyways. Assmilation is the opposite of systems change. There are many systems that need changing. The suits, the radicals, and the trolls need each other in order to effect a revolution. The battles have to fought from all sides and along all fronts. The trolls, functioning as a collective radical shock jock, can scare the politicians by burning effigies of them at the State Capitol. Then the rads can stage a protest-- now protests are called "actions"-- replete with banners and chanting and yelling and stuff which enrages the politicians. Some rads will post nasty blogs and letters to any newspaper editor who will print them. After that, the suits can sweep in during lobby days. A politician would much rather deal with the suits. But without the trolls and radicals, a politician is shiftless and will not deal with any sort of dissent or compromise.
Trolls challenge the status quo. They ask the questions that other people are too polite to ask. If something is mockable, trolls with mad skillz will mock it. Political correctness arose in part out of conformity. That's the stuff of sheeples. We all got so hung up on words that we forgot to take any real action. We sat around drinking our expensive fake coffee-type drinks congratulating ourselves on the construction of our self-imposed linguistic penitentiaries. Trolls blasted away at those restricting walls. After awhile, some of us woke up and evolved into radical beings. Out of 4Chan came Anonymous. And that is very good indeed. Encyclopedia Dramatica reminds us that to troll is to embrace freedom of expression. Yes indeed, the world needs more trolls with mad skillz.
The trolls on Twitter clearly do not always get along with each other. I think that is okay too. Why should we all have to get along? Nathaniel Branden addressed the idea that "loving everyone" is spiritual promiscuity. Striving to be all things to all people, to not be perceived of a threat to anyone, to be likeable-- all of that candy stuff-- is not natural. Evolution requires both the hunter and the hunted. When a member of a tribe becomes imbalanced, demanding too many of the resources that the tribe has worked to come into possession of, the tribe become in danger of extinction. Demanding adherence to our ideas and our ideas alone without granting others the freedom to do their own research is the act of a coward. The coward is a hoarder of resources. The coward fears disagreement. As human beings, some of us are going act against the agendas of others. To expect that all of us are going to play nice together is best left back in Kindergarden. The real world is far too varied to allow for multiple copies of the same dough made by one cookie cutter to bake in the oven of ideas. Sheeples are the prime catch of dictators. We don't need any more stinking dictators. Some trolls rustle the jimmies of figureheads and potentates with regularity, reminding us not to take ourselves so damn seriously. Trolls help prevent the rise of dictators on the Internet.
Trolls without mad skillz are merely uncreative socks engaged in mental masturbation as they hold conversations with each other in order to artificially beef up their particular causes and agendas. The uncreative socks are attempting to hog the limelight and the resources. It is not the trolls with mad skillz who are sitting home anxiously awaiting responses to their thoughts like attention whores. It is the uncreative socks who don't have any other purpose in life. Uncreative socks suffer from printed Brainerd diarrhea of the mouth. Those who dare to disagree with uncreative socks or interject themselves into their fake dialogues risk wrath and fury. The uncreative socks are empty and smelly, devoid of content, pissing all over themselves in fear. There exists a small glimmer of hope for the uncreative sock who aspires to change. If you are such, then learn how to be a troll with mad skillz!
I am not against the proper use of socks. The way that politicians have twisted privacy into being a polar opposite of security demands self-protection these days. Anyone who is not a public figure that uses Fedbook without a sock account is a fool. With the increasing emphasis on transparent wallet information in the mistaken belief that using our wallet names on here will force us to play nice and all get along, proper sock accounts become a necessity for intelligent people who do not want to be scooped up into the wiles of Big Data. For Big Data benefits organizations and institutions. It does not benefit us. Enquire recently published an article about using Big Data to increase sales. I am not interested in helping companies in that manner. Consequently, I am myself a sock. But I don't converse with my other socks. That would render me into just another attention whore.
People, next time you use the word "troll" as an insult, ask yourselves if you are just butthurt because someone else dared to disagree with you. Ask yourselves if you might be an uncreative sock. Ask yourselves if you are engaging in public mental masturbation. Ask yourselves why we all have to get along, agree, be polite, play nice. And then challenge yourselves to take more risks and be agents for change.
sapphoq n friends
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