Friday, September 09, 2005

Hurricanes and Wetlands 9/9/05

* photograph by Gary Coronado of Associated Press appearing in the Vancover Times*

I have recently heard several literalistic fundamentalist christians declare that New Orleans was a place of great sin; therefore, their god "sent the hurricane."

A hurricane is a natural event. Building a city on wetlands and marshes is NOT. The French were the original settlers and engineers of the Crescent City.
And forcing the Mississippi River to straighten out and to move faster for the sake of commercial boat traffic also is NOT a natural act.

I submit that people are at least partly responsible for what happened to this jewel of a city.

I also submit that Osama Bin Laden also fervently believes that his god sent the hurricane because New Orleans was a place of great sin.

The question remains: why would anyone living in the Untied States of America want to be on the same side as Bin Laden.

Something to think about.


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