Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Nine Years After

Nine years ago today, my honey and I were married. Tonight we went to the restaurant we were married in to celebrate.

He got me flowers and I got him a book he wanted. We had a nice evening. As usual, the waitress ordered us a huge piece of chocolate cake with sprinkles and whipped cream. And we got sung to. "Happy Anniversary to you!"

Years ago, pre-hubby, I went on a cruise. I met a woman going on the same cruise on the airplane down to Miami. She told me she was going on the cruise to get over her divorce. I was just going just to go.

We signed up for the same dinner table and the same dinner time. Every night, the waiters would come out with yet another cake and sing, "Happy Honeymoon to you" to some newly married couple. The woman there to get over her divorce got sick of this rapidly.

She ordered herself a cake one night and the waiters came out with it and sang, "Happy Divorcing to you."

Before we got married, a good friend at the time had just married. This real piece of wor--I mean his wife, had us divorced before we even got married. The wife became openly verbally abusive to my good friend and I could no longer stay and watch. I wish him well and I hope some day he gets out of it fairly intact.

During dinner, husband and I spoke briefly of our separate goals for the year to come.

My goals this year are (1). continue to work on the house so it gets organized, liveable, and cleaner, and; (2). improve enough to be able to get a part-time job.
Husband's goal is to get a better job somewhere else.

Our collective goal is to improve our finances to the point where we won't have to eat cat food in our retirements.

-we are both older and a bit grayer and heavier.
-we are both still in love with each other.
-we are both growing.

I love you honey.


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