Tuesday, April 03, 2007

TEAM BLOG 4/3/07

Our team blog over at:
is growing.

With the recent addition of two very talented writers, our numbers are now up to eight or nine (give or take a couple of socks).

If you are a blogger with some talent and you would like to be a part of the team, write to varietyisthespiceoflife at resistant-witches dot com. Include links to your blog or blogs.

It is not necessary to agree with any opinion presented on itch-wars-report, nor is it necessary to be anything other than who you are. You would post about what you want to when you want to. Posting about your passion is definitely applauded. Cross-posting from your blog is encouraged. Spam, copyright infringement, and chain letters received in your e-mail box are not allowed.

Administrator of the itch-wars-report reserves the right to reject any applicant, to edit any post for spelling mistakes, and to delete spam and copyright infringement and chain letters.

sapphoq n friends

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