Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I am purple!
I am purple inside and out.
I am purple cuz I am.

I like frogs and ice cream and chocolate
and homemade cookies.
I am a witch! and my dog is my BOS.
I am fluorescent and I live on the moon.

Every morning, the sun dances
in my hair and the wind laughs.
Every morning I sing to the moon and
I send love to the ocean.
The ocean is my other mother.

I sprang from the ocean
and I flew to the moon.
I am the power of the earth.
I am the power of the wind.
I am the power of the fire.
I am the power of the water.

We are all of us each other
and we are all of us no one.
I am alone in my own skin.
I kicked out my imaginary friend
cuz she wouldn't share her ice cream.

Love is love.
Love is why we are here.
Not to be loved but to love.
I do not love everyone.
That is not who I am.
But I love some people fiercely.
I do love me
cuz that is my religion.

Not the greatest poem in the universe by a long shot. Written in the persona of llwitch14. If you do not recognize the name, please goto http://radical.sapphoq.com/ and look for the stories regarding Ravenfire.

spike q.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful words ... Inner peace is a very hard form of karma but never unworthy of seeking ;-) JC